Partnering for Patient Safety: Eloquest Healthcare and the Patient Safety Movement

Preventable deaths in the US A 2016 study at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine found that preventable deaths in hospitals are the third leading cause of death in the US behind heart disease and cancer.[1] The study suggests that medical error leads to more than 250,000 deaths each year in the US, though other…


3 Questions with Michelle Devries MPH, CIC, VA-BC

We are excited to launch a new production, a video series entitled, “3 Questions With…” 3 Questions With… features some of the finest thought leaders in healthcare specialties such as Infection Prevention, Vascular Access, Surgical Care and more. These experts answer questions on the latest insights, evidence and current practices. For our premier 3 Questions…


Make a Difference & Minimize Risk of Infection at #AVASM19

The 33rd Annual Association for Vascular Access (AVA) Scientific Meeting will be held at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas—and Eloquest Healthcare will be there in the Exhibit Hall at Booth #318! AVA 2019 will occur from October 4th – 7th (pre-conference workshops are on October 3rd). The four-day meeting has a packed schedule with general…


Surgical Site Infection Prevention: Is there a place for the Infection Preventionist on the Surgical Care Team?

Eloquest Healthcare is excited to welcome Gwen Borlaug, MPH, CIC, FAPIC to the Eloquest Healthcare Blog! Gwen worked at the Wisconsin Division of Public Health (DPH) as the Director of the Healthcare-Associated Infection Prevention Program and as an infection prevention epidemiologist. She launched a statewide public health initiative to reduce surgical site infections, using a surgical…


Surgical Scars: Prevalence and Importance of Prevention

Each year in the US more than 50 million surgeries are performed.1 Treatment of resulting surgical scars has driven decades of research, and it is estimated that in the US $20 billion per year is spent on scar treatment and management.2 Patients have made it clear that they are highly concerned about scarring after surgery…


MARSI Guidelines on Safe Adhesive Removal

Since the “pay for performance” era began, hospital acquired conditions (HAC) have deservedly received a great deal of attention from hospitals, healthcare providers, payors, patients and families. For critical medical devices that pose danger to patients if they are dislodged [like vascular access devices, (VADs)], safety requires proper securement. Poor securement of VADs increases the…


Getting Ahead of HAIs: Quick Observation Tools for HAI Prevention

In October of 2018, the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) working together with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) launched a series of Quick Observation Tools (QUOTs) to assist healthcare facilities in their infection prevention initiatives.[1] The tools, available for free download here, enable rapid assessment and remediation…
