We would like to begin this post by thanking you for being part of the Eloquest Healthcare Blog (affectionately referred to as “The EHB”) during its inaugural year. Whether this is your first or you’ve read every post, the EHB wouldn’t exist without you!
A Year in Review
2017 was an interesting year, especially as it relates to the U.S. healthcare system. It’s no secret that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is complicated and challenging to understand. So with that in mind, we launched the EHB in February with our first post providing a high-level overview of the ACA. That was followed by three posts, each providing a summary of the ACA’s three primary initiatives to facilitate better understanding of their independent and joint impacts on patient care:
- A Breakdown of the ACA and What It Means to Your Hospital
- Value-Based Purchasing Program
- Readmissions Reduction Program
- Hospital-Acquired Conditions (HAC) Reduction Program
Not surprisingly, these were among the most-read posts of 2017! The series was followed by a mix of posts that included a deeper dive into the healthcare-acquired conditions that lead to financial penalties for hospitals:
In mid-August, we welcomed our first guest blogger, Elizabeth Campbell, RN, MSN, CRNI. Elizabeth provided great insight to 21st-Century resources for today’s health care professionals and proved to be quite popular amongst our readers.
More recently, a 2-part series on procedure kits was featured (part 1, part 2). The first examined the impact kits have on enforcing best practices while the second discussed their financial story. As standardization becomes a bigger part of process improvement efforts by hospitals, we’ll revisit this topic in the future.
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Minimizing infection risk is an essential part of optimizing “The Triple Aim” of the Affordable Care Act. Eloquest Healthcare is committed to providing solutions that can help you reduce the risk of CLABSI and post-op wound contamination.