While catheters provide numerous benefits to their users, there can be a health burden associated with their use, as they may promote catheter-related bloodstream infection (CRBSI*) and medical adhesive-related skin injuries (MARSIs). A publication reviewing the qualitative and quantitative evidence supporting the use of Detachol® Liquid Adhesive for the reduction of CRBSI and MARSI can be downloaded here. In this blog, we’ll review the important findings detailed in this publication.
These two terms are often used interchangeably, yet there are important differences:
*Catheter-related bloodstream infection (CRBSI): Laboratory-confirmed bloodstream infection (BSI); requires laboratory evidence that the catheter is the source. Not typically used for surveillance purposes.
Central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI): Laboratory-confirmed BSI in a patient in whom a central line is present within 48 hours before the development of the BSI, and not related to an infection at another site.
Prevalence of MARSI
MARSI is an occurrence in which erythema and/or other manifestation of cutaneous abnormality persists 30 minutes or more after the removal of an adhesive. A common manifestation of MARSI is skin tears, which occur approximately 1.5 million times annually in the United States.
Skin tears are associated with increased morbidity and length of hospital stay, decreased quality of life, and increased cost of care. To combat this, a consensus panel found that the appropriate selection of adhesive products coupled with proper application and removal techniques can help minimize MARSI.
Detachol® Adhesive Remover is a nonirritating adhesive remover used to aid in the removal of dressings, tapes, and most sticky residue from the skin and other surfaces. Detachol can:
1. Reduce the risk of bacterial colonization.
2. Decrease the risk of skin tears.
3. Enhance nursing efficiency.
4. Improve patient satisfaction.
5. Promote safety.
6. Reduce costs.
To prevent CRBSI, evidence-based recommendations state that the integrity of the catheter dressing should be maintained for up to 7 days, resulting in residual adhesive material on the skin. Detachol® Adhesive Remover may reduce the risk of bacterial colonization around the catheter site by allowing the caregiver to easily remove any adhesive residue beneath the dressing site.
Research indicates the use of solvents to break the adhesive bond between the skin and a dressing or tape is an effective way to prevent skin injury, and Detachol® Adhesive Remover can minimize the friction and shear forces associated with dressing removal.
The use of Detachol® Adhesive Remover is associated with increased nursing efficiency, as it has been shown to ease dressing removal. Evidence that Detachol® Adhesive Remover may increase efficiency and reduce the risk of skin injury is provided in 2 case studies:
Case study 1
In 2013, a regional medical center conducted a quality improvement project, which reported a low incidence of skin injury on dressing removal when using Detachol®.
Case study 2
In 2017, a healthcare facility implemented a dressing bundle with gum mastic and adhesive remover to improve dressing integrity. Over 8,000 peripheral intravenous sites were assessed, with authors reporting increased efficiency in that dressing integrity was improved with no dressing-related skin injuries reported.
To promote skin tear prevention and ease the burden caused by MARSI, Detachol® Adhesive Remover helps break the adhesive bond between the dressing and the skin to allow for easy removal of adhesive products and residual material, which may result in improved patient satisfaction.
An irritancy study found Detachol® Adhesive Remover to be safe and effective. Patients who have received an application of Detachol® Adhesive Remover also reported a low incidence of allergic reaction, effective removal of adhesive residue, and decreased pain. Detachol® Adhesive Remover is also compatible with chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) and does not reduce its antiseptic activity.
Detachol® Adhesive Remover can positively impact a value-based purchasing model and total performance score. Cost avoidance resulting from inclusion of Detachol® Adhesive Remover can include:
-Minimized cost associated with skin tears (estimated at $2,196 per skin tear with approximately 1.5 million skin tears occurring each year)
-Reduction of CLABSI excess costs (ranging from $29,156 to $46,685)
-Improved patient satisfaction by avoiding unnecessary pain or injury
-Intangible factors such as psychological costs, including reduced patient anxiety by avoiding unnecessary procedures, and reduced pain and suffering associated with preventable injury and infection
For more information about Detachol®, please contact your sales consultant or Eloquest Healthcare®, Inc., call 1-877-433-7626 or visit www.eloquesthealthcare.com.
Minimizing infection risk is an essential part of optimizing “The Triple Aim” of the Affordable Care Act. Eloquest Healthcare is committed to providing solutions that can help you reduce the risk of conditions like a central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) and post-operative wound contamination.

1. Detachol® Adhesive Remover Evidence-Based White Paper. Eloquest Healthcare, Inc. May 2018. Available at: https://eloquesthealthcare.com/detachol/clinical/