Vascular Access Device Pistoning: The Problem and Solution

Vascular Access Device Pistoning: The Problem and SolutionGuest Author: Michelle (Mickey) Hawes, RN, DNP, CRNI, VA-BC, ACRP-CP Pistoning is a term used in the vascular access specialty to describe the small, repeated movement of a peripheral vascular access device (PVAD) or central venous access device (CVAD) in and out at the insertion site. Movement may…

Evidence-Based Strategies for Cost-Effective Occlusion Management

Evidence-Based Strategies for Cost-Effective Occlusion ManagementGuest Author: Lee Steere, RN, CRNI, VA-BCNurse Manager, IV Therapy Services, Hartford Hospital Eloquest Healthcare is excited to welcome Lee Steere RN, CRNI, VA-BC to the Eloquest Healthcare Blog! Lee Steere, RN, CRNI, VA-BC has been leading the IV Team at Hartford Hospital for nearly 20 years. At his facility,…

Vascular Access Device Outcomes: Superior Securement

Vascular Access Device Outcomes: Superior Securement Healthcare professionals often face challenges with the securement of vascular access devices (VADs). These challenges can lead to complications such as dislodgement, migration and infection. Best practice guidelines recommend that all vascular access devices (VADs) be secured to prevent complications and improve patient outcomes. There is a variety of…

3 Questions with Michelle Mickey Hawes, RN, DNP, CRNI, VA-BC, ACRP-CP

3 Questions with Michelle (Mickey) Hawes, RN, DNP, CRNI, VA-BC, ACRP-CP Our “3 Questions with…” vlog series features some of the finest thought leaders in healthcare specialties such as Infection Prevention, Vascular Access, and more. These experts answer questions on the latest insights, evidence and current practices. For our newest “3 Questions With…” vlog, Eloquest…

3 Questions with Casey Schuller, BSN, RN, VA-BC

3 Questions with Casey Schuller, BSN, RN, VA-BC Our “3 Questions with…” vlog series features some of the finest thought leaders in healthcare specialties such as Infection Prevention, Vascular Access, and more. These experts answer questions on the latest insights, evidence and current practices. For our newest “3 Questions With…” vlog, Eloquest Healthcare is proud…

Vascular Access Device Ideal Insertion

The 8th edition of The Infusion Nurses Society Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice (INS Standards) makes evidence-based practice recommendations to assist health care facilities in the standardization of their vascular access device and IV therapy practices. The INS Standards indicate that insertion site selection should be determined based on the prescribed infusion therapy plan while prioritizing vessel…

3 Questions with Angelique Gaston, RN, VA-BC

3 Questions with Angelique Gaston, RN, VA-BC Our “3 Questions with…” vlog series features some of the finest thought leaders in healthcare specialties such as Infection Prevention, Vascular Access, and more. These experts answer questions on the latest insights, evidence and current practices. For our newest “3 Questions With…” vlog, Eloquest Healthcare is proud to…

Test: Vascular Access. Target Acquired. Anchored in Position. Mission Accomplished.

Vascular Access: Target Acquired. Anchored in Position. Mission Accomplished.

Vascular Access: Target Acquired. Anchored in Position. Mission Accomplished. An overarching goal of Vascular Access Specialists is to expertly provide a patient with a reliable vascular access device that will last until the end of need; for the ‘life of the line’. In her Vascular Access Talk at the 2022 AVA Scientific Meeting titled “Target…